Joanie Mintz

New York to Florida and I didn’t look back

Some people would tell you I am a New Yorker through and through. That’s probably true considering I was born and raised in Queens and spent all my career there. I was fortunate enough to marry the girl of my dreams and we had three great kids, who gave us five adorable grandchildren. I thought it would be my wife and me forever, but when the diagnosis came back from the doctors, we both knew the dream was coming to an end.

With my wife gone, and my children with families of their own, I decided I really needed a change of scenery. Some place warm sounded like just the ticket. A few years before a former co-worker had moved to southeast Florida. We had stayed in touch, so I knew he really loved it there. I gave him a call and asked what he thought of me moving down. “Come on down,” he said, “the water’s fine.”

The better part of wisdom, I thought, was to go down for a two-week vacation and see how everything felt to me. It didn’t take me two weeks. I fell in love with Coral Springs immediately. I met my friend for drinks after I had been there a few days and told him I was sold on the move. “Call Joanie,” he said.

The next day I went in to see Joanie Mintz at her office. I was taken with her right away. Having spent my life as a corporate negotiator, I knew a pro when I saw one. Her welcoming smile, her pleasant demeanor, and her “I know my stuff” attitude made me feel completely confident in her ability to find just what I was looking for.

The following day she had ten places for me to look at. We only made it to number four. It was perfect. Just the right house in exactly the kind of neighborhood I wanted to be in. I couldn’t believe how quickly and smoothly the transaction went, but Joanie and her team handled everything flawlessly.

Those cold New York winters are a distant memory now. If you’re thinking of moving, I highly recommend the Coral Springs, Florida area. I only have one piece of advice for you. Call Joanie.

– Jeff M.